Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Wasn't Conference AWESOME!!

Wasn't conference just awesome!!  I am SO EXCITED that they changed the age for missionaries! Can you imagine how many more missionaries will be going out?!? It's just going to be amazing!! I'm actually not really sure we will see any youngsters before we go. By the time they get their papers in, get their call, and get to the MTC, and then get to the field, it could be a while. We might see some our last transfer. But, I think it might take a while for those sisters to get out. They have to organize their lives and everything so that they can go. I would imagine some would have been pretty focused on school or things like that. But I really hope we do get to see some. It will be just awesome. Can you imagine elders and sisters getting home at the same age? There are a lot of sisters who would like to have served but couldn't because they got married, this will allow for more of that. So it will be really really neat. Our mouths dropped open when we heard that. I'm not sure if I would have been ready to go at 19, I was planning for school and other things. I had two years to prepare and think about it. But, I know that there are a lot more sisters out there who are more organized who will already be prepared to go.
  I loved Elder Holland's talk. We can never go back to our shores and to our nets. If we love the Savior, we WILL NOT go back. We WILL NOT go afishing. I loved that. I loved how he said that elders stand in the font with their arms raised to the square and say, "having been commissioned of Jesus Christ" and that, that commission was to change their converts forever, but it was surely to change us forever too. I loved how bold he was. I always love Elder Holland. I loved Elder Eyrings talk on Sunday morning too. How we are the ones that create a pavilion  It put everything in a new perspective. I loved how much they talked about families and protecting children. If there's anything the world needs right now, is a balm for families. If we all understood that we all have families, we have people that love and care about us, and that we are ALL part of God's family, we would cause less heartache. If we all understood that we are brother's and sister's there would be less fighting, and more love, less judging, and more accepting. It would all just be better. Just because we are different, doesn't mean that we are weird or should be ostracized. I think we should all judge RIGHTEOUSLY and then use the gift of discernment to meet that person's needs. "First observe, then serve!" Right? I love that Elder.... Nelson? Was saying "Ask the missionaries! They can help!" We were all chuckling a little, because it is so true! We can help!! But, after Saturday priesthood we went to President's home for root beer floats and we were talking with some other sisters and they were watching that session with an investigator and this lady said, "you really know how to do all that?!" she was amazed! And the sisters said, "not only do we know how, but we do, do all that!" It was really neat. And then they went back Sunday to watch the morning session with her and she was in her skirt with make up done and jewelries on! It was awesome! I was so happy for them!
Making frybreads with Sis Reynolds and her Mom
  So yes, we went to the mission home for root beer floats afterwards. One of the elders called and asked if we could all come over haha and President and Sister Batt said yes! So we all went and had a grand ole time! There were only four sisters and Sister Batt, but it was a lot of fun! then yesterday after conference we went over to the Reynold's home and made Navajo tacos! They were sooooo good! I haven't had a good Navajo taco in a long time, so we were really excited! Sister Reynold's mom is going to teach us how to bear our testimonies in Navajo.
  But, yes the sisters conference was amazing. We learned how to eat well, how to be organized, how to plan and really play well. And how to use the scriptures well. It was a lot of fun to be able to see all the sisters. I was really excited to see Sister New, I haven't seen her since I left Shiprock. We had a good time. We all had fun teasing President Batt. He kept trying to get us to eat more food, but we were all talking, and then Sister Miller said, "every time a sheep's blats it loses a mouthful!" and then he just rolled his eyes (in a good humored way) and walked away we all laughed.
  I think that's about it for the week though. We have been pretty busy this week with all the conferences and meetings we've had. But, busy is always good!
  I love you all lots. I am so grateful for all that you do for me. And many people thank you for the sacrifices that you have made in allowing me to be out here as well. I want you all to know, that there is nothing that I would rather be doing in the world, than this work. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father has allowed me this opportunity. In and of myself I am completely incapable of doing anything to help this work move forward, but I know that through Jesus Christ I have been made capable. I have been made strong. I have been made able. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I know that he is there. I know that He is waiting. And I know that He loves all of His children so much. I know that He wants us all to return to Him. I know that His hands are outstretched towards us. I know that He cannot be fully described in my mere inadequate words. But, I hope you all feel the words which I cannot speak.
All my love and devotion,
Sister Rosemary Lee Anderson
May God's choicest blessings be with you. Sometimes, we have to look at the details of our lives to realize it.

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