Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Going to "Shiprock" on the Reservation.......

Hey everyone!  Hope you are all doing great! Well i am doing this email on an iPad so im not sure how long it will be. 
First of all i heard about Grandpa. I know he is a better place and i am glad he is no longer suffering. I know that was a long, painful process. Knowing Heavenly Fathers plan for us is truly a comfort if we let it in. I know that he is in a better place with people who love him. I hope the services are nice and that you enjoy them. I will be thinking of you all.

So this is transfer week. I bet you are wondering what the news is. Well it was a huge surprise to Sister New and I both. There were a lot of changes. I think every sister area had a change. Well anyways I am going to be going to Shiprock. That is on the Reservation. There are only two or three sister areas on the Res, but there are rumors that they may opening a new one when we get the three sisters soon. So that's exciting. I guess Johnny Depp was there a couple weeks ago filming a movie. That's what we heard at least. There is one new sister coming in this week. We are excited for her.
The sister coming here is the sister that was here on exchanges last week. Sister Koyle. She is looking forward to being here. Sister New is staying. We thought we were both staying since im still in training.

Oh so last week we were helping Sister Shields move all her Christmas decorations from her house to her storage unit and I was getting into the truck and I guess. Thought I was getting into our truck and took a larger step up and smacked my face on the door latch on the top of the roof,  Sister Shields felt so bad, but I was fine. Then my eyebrow started bleeding. It was a good thing I was sitting in the back and she couldn't see or else she would have felt super bad. So I asked for a tissue to "wipe my hands" and it stopped bleeding before we got to the house and it was right on my eyebrow line so she couldn't see it. She never knew. It was kinda funny. I was really grateful that it was on my eyebrow and not somewhere the whole world could see. The Lord blesses us even when we are hurting and aren't paying attention to where we are stepping.

Sister Anderson

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